Premium Cotton T-shirt
The term 'unskilled' was brought to my attention when it was announced that a new immigration scheme was to be introduced, which would be partially based on fitting the required 'skill' level and earning over £25,600. Most key workers, including NHS nurses and carers, earn under this amount, so the labelling of any worker as 'unskilled' based on earnings and disillusioned definitions of skill level is entirely unjust, demoralising and hypocritical. To me, the recent events of the COVID-19 pandemic has truly highlighted the injustice of dehumanising categorisations that marginalised communities face, because in reality, the 'Unskilled' workers that Boris Johnson referred to, are the same people that nursed him back to health, kept the shops open, and kept the country running.
It is evident that the pandemic has caused further strain on individuals with pre-existing mental health issues also, especially for those struggling to sustain themselves financially due to working restrictions. Because of this, I would like to donate 20% of the proceeds from these t-shirts to foodbanks within communities I feel do not receive enough help, due to the remoteness of their locations.